in a multiplicity of fields of representation and fusion of information. However, in complex evidence theory, conflict measurement is still an open issue. To address this problem, we propose a new complex belief π2 divergence measure (πΆπ΅π2), which has the ability to measure the discrepancy between the complex basic belief assignments (CBBAs). In addition, the proposed πΆπ΅π2 divergence measure satisfies the properties of nonnegativity, nondegeneracy and symmetry. Particularly, when the CBBA degenerates to classical basic belief assignments (BBA), the proposed divergence can also measure the conflict well. On this basis, a novel π΅πΈππΆπ΅π2π· is proposed to measure the complexity of cardiac interbeat interval time series in biological system. An application in cardiac interbeat interval time series analysis demonstrates that π΅πΈππΆπ΅π2π· has better accuracy.
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